A Quick, Elemental Chakra Meditation

Here is a preparatory meditation I sometimes do for energy healing work, which also works well for other forms of spiritual practice and can be a good daily “tune-up” in itself. With practice, the whole process can be done in a matter of seconds. Remember to breathe deeply throughout!

1. I sit in a chair, back straight and eyes closed. I visualize myself in the hot heart of the sun, which burns off my physical body, leaving only my purified soul.

2. My soul falls from the sun, through the air, into the cold, blue sea below.

3. My soul continues its journey down through the sea, until it hits the ocean floor and continues down into the ground.

4. My soul reaches the molten core of the earth. The earth’s core rebuilds my physical body, new, healthy, strong and free of any past injury.

5. My body springs out of the core of the earth, connected to it at the base of my spine by a silver cord. My body continues to spring up through the cold, fresh water of the sea, towards the surface.

6. My body reaches the serene surface of the sea, bathed in bright sunlight. My new body floats calmly on this surface, still connected to the earth’s core by the silver cord.

7. I breathe in deeply as each one of my chakras blooms like a brightly colored lotus on the surface of the sea: red root, orange sacral, yellow solar plexus, green heart, blue throat, indigo/purple third eye, and white crown. I stay in this vision until it feels anchored in my body and energy flow.

There it is!

After your spiritual work, remember to ground any excess energy by visualizing it flowing into the ground. In a sitting position, you can also bend your head down between your knees.

And here is a pro tip: If you ever find yourself waking into a lucid dream, if you can, take flight and find yourself a body of water such as the sea or a lake. These are portals. Dive in. Under the surface, you will probably find yourself in your own subconscious, readily able to access deep-seated issues and directly speak to manifestations of your higher self, as well as spirit guides. These kinds of lucid dreams have offered me some of the most profound, life-changing insights I’ve been blessed with in a dream state.
