Enhancing Chakra Meditations with Affirmations

A quick tip for today:

Something I have recently discovered is that when you are preparing to do spiritual work using a grounding and clearing of the energy system, as you go through each chakra, if you include an affirmation, and don’t stop with the seventh chakra, you will feel your aura will expand more, in a way that is especially helpful for channeling. Here is an example of what those affirmations can be:

1st Chakra (Root, Red): My body is health and strong. I am alive, I am safe, I am powerful. I manifest my purpose in the physical world.

2nd Chakra (Sacral, Orange): I connect with people in healthy ways. I create and feel freely. My boundaries are strong. I love and respect myself and others. I am comfortable in my body. I am beautiful and good.

3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus, Yellow): My mind is clear, my will is strong. I am wise and resourceful. I am resilient. I assert myself in healthy ways.

4th Chakra (Heart, Green/Pink): My heart is open. I love myself and others. I give love and receive love freely, sincerely and without expectation. I love humanity and the world. I am kind and compassionate. I am peaceful and calm. I belong in the family of creation. I am clairsentient.

5th Chakra (Throat, Blue): I express myself clearly, honestly, kindly and joyfully. I speak my truth. I create that which I speak. I sing beautifully. I hear spirit clearly, at will. I am clairaudient.

6th Chakra (Third Eye, Purple/Indigo): I am wise. My thoughts are clear. I see truth and beauty in the world.  I receive images from spirit clearly. I am clairvoyant.

7th Chakra (Crown, White): I am connected to All-That-Is. I am inspired and creative. I receive inspiration and guidance from Source clearly, easily and joyfully. I am one with the Universe. I receive Spirit clearly. I am claircognizant.

Normally, I would stop here, but lately, I have kept going up to the 10th. There are various names for the following chakras, such as “The Seat of The Soul” and “The Great Central Sun,” but as I have chosen this practice intuitively, I like to think of them as follows:

8th Chakra: The connection to the Astral Plane. Affirmation: I connect clearly and freely to spirit, at will.

9th Chakra: The connection to the Angelic Realm. Affirmation: I open myself to angelic guidance.

10th Chakra: The celestial connection. Affirmation: I open myself directly to divine wisdom, healing and guidance.

How do you enhance your chakra meditations? What affirmations would you use for each one?
