On The Importance of Keeping Records of Readings

Today, I’d like to talk a little bit about the benefits of record-keeping and journaling in psychic work, and during psychic development. It’s a wide topic to address, but in particular, I’d like to approach it from the context of how hindsight can inform our understanding of our own reading process, and help us to grow our faith in our intuition.

Depending on what form one’s practice takes, keeping records of one’s readings can be a routine that fits quite easily into psychic work. However, many clairvoyant psychics and mediums find that they read best when they simply let readings flow through them, without the distraction of writing things down. Often, such professionals will either provide audio recordings of their readings, or give their clients the option of recording them themselves. In my case, since so much of the work I do is centered around language and the decoding of channeled shorthand, the very process of the reading itself provides me with detailed records of each one I complete. Whatever form of record-keeping one chooses to employ, I highly recommend documenting one’s readings (as well as any other psychic experiences and experiments) to anyone wishing to develop their intuitive skills.

Whether it is done for purposes of remembering events in one’s life, getting one’s thoughts down on the page, self-development, channeling, or as a creative practice, journaling is one of the best tools we have at our disposal to strengthen our mind-body-spirit connection, because it employs all of these faculties: We are inspired by our spirit, we analyze and develop the inspiration with our mind, and then physically write it down with our hands. Writing is a very basic form of manifesting spirit into matter! When we consciously apply this practice to psychic development, the alchemical and transformative properties of the practice become all the more strong. When we document our psychic experiences in the form of writing, not only does our mind increasingly focus itself on our intuition, therefore strengthening it, but we also have everything we need to keep track of our progress, figure out what works, and take full ownership over our psychic development. As we take stock of our accumulating successes, our trust in our own abilities grows stronger, establishing a positive feedback loop.

As a mediumistic channeler working with the written word, the records that I have kept of my spirit guides’ readings have become increasingly important as the guides have taken upon themselves to predict the future more frequently than before, in addition to providing other evidence in order to lend credibility to such predictions. (The latter has been especially important in cases in which predictions require urgent action despite not yet being apparent in the client’s current reality.) One thing that I’ve learned through it is that it is important to build up one’s trust in one’s intuition regardless of whether or not what we are receiving makes much sense in the present moment. (Any experienced medium will tell you this, but it’s one thing to know it intellectually, and another to feel it in your bones!) When we have records of everything we have brought through, we may discover important details in our readings that we barely payed attention to at the time they were done, therefore gaining new insights into how information is communicated to us in the first place.

I’ve recently been having an intense experience of the hindsight meticulous record-keeping can provide. My personal life has lately taken a new turn, in which I’ve been lucky enough to find myself re-engaging with former creative pursuits which have brought me into new communities, allowed me to form new relationships, and opened me up to great healing as well as enjoyment. As I was reviewing some older personal channelings a few days ago, I suddenly realized that the guides had described my current situation, and the energetic shift around it, in great detail, all the way back in February! (It is the very end of May at the time of writing this post.) These descriptions included some elements in the shorthand that seemed strange at the time, but now make perfect sense. 

The more I have revisited that particular session in the past few days, the more details I have picked up on that are uncanny in their relevance. Much of the session centered around the main, current pursuit I am revisiting - Argentine tango dancing, and the enjoyment it gives me. However, on an unrelated note, the session mentions the arrival of a new, close friend, described as a “sister.” At the time of channeling, that particular passage seemed so removed from the rest of what was coming through, that I thought it was some Astral "party-crasher" interfering with the session, and attempted to dismiss it - at which point Natalie told me I was being unduly skittish about what I was receiving! However, now, upon realizing that the other elements of the reading have been establishing themselves as current, it has also dawned on me that I have indeed recently made a new best friend, of whom several people around us have commented that we share a sisterly resemblance. Yet another bit of advice was slipped into the reading to address issues with shortness of sleep I have been having with the onset of spring, in the form a solitary sentence: “Patient people sleep beautifully well.” The guides also provided me with ample advice on how to navigate my new social environment.

The real kicker is that back in February, I had been too preoccupied with the painful aftermath of a broken relationship to have much faith my guides’ reassurances, or even pay much attention to their predictions. This, too, was acknowledged by the guides, who mentioned in the reading that the session would only be fully understood once an emotional shift allowed me to receive it. Now, seeing how right they were, and the care with which they anticipated the insight and support I would need at this time, my faith in them and their work has strengthened to ever greater heights. I am deeply grateful to them, and cannot wait to see how this increased confidence reflects on the quality of the readings I bring to my clients!

So, to make a long story short - keep records of your readings! Grow your faith in yourself and your spiritual helpers. Come up with new ways to use your documentation process to further your intuitive development. You have everything to gain!


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