A Follow-up on The Attunement: A Warning on El Paso, And What It Taught Me About The Importance of Building Symbolic Vocabularies

Today’s post will be a follow-up on events that have transpired in the last 48 hours, since I received my energetic attunement from my guides. The last two days have been interesting, exhilarating, and intense. I’ve felt a very clear shift in my ability to receive information from Spirit, and the events I’ve experienced have helped me figure out some useful things about how this energy works. They have also emphasized to me the importance of working with your guides to both fine-tune and expand communicative vocabularies.

As a quick recap, in case readers don’t feel inclined to revisit the previous post: Two days ago, I woke up to the awareness that I had been a sent a clairvoyant image, for which I was also given claircognizant instructions on how to find it. The instructions quickly led me to the correct photograph of unrest in Hong Kong. When I went to channel later in the day, my guides confirmed that the image had been transmitted to me with the intention of bolstering my latent clairvoyant ability. After obtaining my consent, my guides then gifted me with a powerful energy attunement that they said would help me develop my clair-senses, quicken the manifestation of my goals, bring through new teachings, and also aid me in energy healing through allowing me to work together with a new healer spirit guide. This energy could be passed on to other people simply through intention and mutual agreement. The experience of the attunement was electrifying, and I was able to pass the energy on to three people by the end of the day, reactivating it at will. All of them reacted palpably and positively. The most important piece of advice I received was to be very intentional about where I directed the energy, and to take even more care than before to avoid manifesting my fears through worry.

Having sent this energy attunement to three people, now, here is what I have figured out, so far:

1. This energy will adapt itself to the needs of the individual receiving it. Salvador’s instruction to be intentional in how it is directed is aimed not only at me, but at the recipients. They will gain the most benefit from the energy of the attunement when they clearly define what they wish to use it for, before receiving it.

2. It seems that when the energy is passed on, the attunement may work in a way similar to a strong, one-off energy healing, geared towards the recipient’s needs. I do not yet know if the attunement can be passed on by people who receive it from me. I suspect that in many cases, it can, depending on the person, their proclivities, level of psychic development, and intentions.

3. The energy is passed on simply by saying an opening prayer, re-activating the energy through intention, receiving consent for the attunement, and then visualizing the energy pouring into the recipient. I find myself using sound in the form of whistling to help transmit it. The process takes about two minutes, but the energy can reach the recipient with a slight delay.

4. For me, the attunement has definitely strengthened my clairvoyance, and for some reason, at the moment, this is currently manifesting as being tapped into events that make international news headlines. I seem to be open to new methods of communication, with new guides.

Aside from these considerations about the nature of the energy and how it works, the events that have happened since the attunement have given me much to process. One sequence of events in particular, while upsetting and linked to a great tragedy, has already taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of giving our guides a rich bank of knowledge, or vocabulary of symbols, to work with when transmitting information. 

This post will meander somewhat, but I think it’s important that I document and share everything that has transpired so far.

In the hours that followed the attunement, I enjoyed a great sense of well-being. I felt peaceful, grounded as well as energetically “whole,” as if any energetic cords of tension or lack linking me to other people had dissolved, and all my personal energy had been restored. Then, in the evening, something unexpected happened.

I had come back to my home in Brooklyn after a long day of running errands in Manhattan, and was planning on visiting a friend. Before leaving the house, I plopped down on the sofa in my living-room - which is where I usually do my channeling work - and dozed off for what must have only been fifteen minutes.

Within that short period of time, I quickly fell into a dream. I found myself looking at a room with dusty, red curtains covering the wall, which felt a little similar to some of the Argentine tango salons I frequent. As in those salons, people were gathered near the walls, but somehow, the situation felt more like a family wake than a tango milonga. Most of the 20 or so people, of all different ages, genders and sizes, I knew were of Mexican descent. They didn’t seem to see me back. I was merely an onlooker. Only one man standing in the crowd - a dapper Mexican gentleman with distinctive, almond-shaped eyes and a moustache, wearing a suit and tie - turned his gaze to me momentarily, and nodded slightly, a strange, solemn look on his face.

And then, I knew, they were dead souls. 

I didn’t know why I had been brought into the presence of this particular group, as I didn’t seem to have any personal connection to them, but they seemed to belong together in some way. Perhaps they were merely there because, for whatever reason, I happened to be seeing into their particular frequency band of the spirit world? Then, as my inner eyes scanned the crowd, they finally alighted on a sweet, familiar face. It was my friend from film school, Louie.* 

Wait a minute. What was Louie doing in the middle of a group of dead souls?

What did I know about Louie, lately? He was young, recently married, and had a lot of life to look forward to. He was also of Mexican descent. Yes, he had had a health scare about a year ago, but had recuperated well. He lived far away, in Texas, and I hadn’t seen him in ten years. To suddenly see him standing there, surrounded by dead people, I thought, could only mean one thing. He had either suddenly passed, was about to, or was in mortal danger. As my concern mounted, my awareness inched towards a panicked lucidity. Something was terribly wrong. As my consciousness came hurtling out of the vision, I tried several times to physically call out Louie’s name, but no sound came out. 

With my eyes still closed, but awake, now, through my eyelids, I could see and feel something that felt like a dense, red ball of energy, flashing with heat near my face, like a warning sign. It was as if it was broadcasting some kind of code containing all the emotional and intellectual information that was being transmitted to me in the dream. Every time it flashed, I felt the emotional response of  terror flaring up. However, I knew the energy itself was not malicious. It was merely a semi-sentient package of information from Spirit - perhaps a thought form - very vigorously doing its job. It flashed a few times, and then, it was gone.

I opened my eyes, sat up, and tried to process what I had just experienced. It was a hot night. My fan was off. I sometimes have nightmares when I’m too hot. The inability to call out, and the feeling of the flashing ball of energy, surely were symptoms of sleep paralysis? On the other hand, after the morning’s very powerful developments, could my intuition be so off that I would dupe myself into thinking I had received a mediumistic communication of this caliber? That didn’t sit right, either.

I opened up my phone and looked up Louie’s Facebook page, half dreading to see a sudden outpouring of condolences on his wall. 

There were none. 

Louie was safe and sound, in El Paso.

Over a late dinner, I hashed over everything that had happened with my friends, still not quite knowing what to think. Why had I seen Louie like that, when he was OK? Why couldn’t I shake the feeling that this was not just a vivid nightmare with some special effects added in for good measure, but a communication from Spirit?

The following morning, as I was going over the morning’s news headlines, I was reminded of the image I had been sent clairvoyantly as a prelude to my attunement. Despite its actually having been set in Hong Kong, when I had received it, I had mistakenly thought the scene was taking place in an Asian area of Russia. Now, instead of the Hong Kong protests, it was protests in Russia, in which hundreds of people had been arrested, that were making headlines. I wondered if the claircognizant information had been deliberately split to be relevant to both events: Russia and Asia? (This is how my guides’ verbally coded shorthand sometimes condenses information.) The question of how to process geographical information in Spirit communication was about to become more pressing.

I took the train into Manhattan with the intention of going to write in my customary café. It is worth mentioning that on the way there, another strange synchronicity happened, which I’m sure was orchestrated by my guides. I took a slightly different route than usual, and was serendipitously all but pulled off the street into an event where 25 shamanistic healers were conducting a group sound healing ceremony. I hadn’t been to a gathering like this for years, and the timing so soon after my attunement seemed perfect. (I had, in fact, been planning on attending events organized by the group behind it for over a year, but simply hadn’t gotten my act together.)

As I exited the event, I checked my phone. And that’s when I saw the headline: A mass shooting was taking place in El Paso, Texas. Where Louie lived. In fact, Louie was the only person I knew who lived there, and the first thing I would think of anytime anyone mentioned the city. Two possible suspects were still on the loose. The situation was still unfolding. 

I quickly checked to see if Louie had posted anything online to let everyone know he was OK. Yes. He had posted a warning for people to stay away from the area of the shooting. Thank God, he was probably fine, and it was the proximity of the shooting that had triggered the warning I had received. I quickly messaged him, stumbling a bit over my wording, telling him to please stay safe. Then, I hoped for the best.

By the end of massacre, 20 people were dead, and at least 20 more, injured. I was haunted by the feeling of terror I had felt the night before, but Louie and his loved ones were safe. And that’s when I understood what had happened in the dream, and why.

The dream I had on my sofa was an authentic mediumistic communication. However, the reason I had seen Louie in the middle of the group of souls who were about to pass so tragically was not that he was to be among them, but because my strongest association with the city of El Paso, was Louie. Simply put, because of how my mind was wired to decode information, “Louie” was shorthand for “El Paso.”

This is where the lesson in this experience can be found. 

It’s important to remember that Spirit will use the existing knowledge within the mind of the medium to give concrete form to intangible energy - which is why different mediums receive information in different ways. This is also why competent instructors of mediumship will encourage students to build up their knowledge of different subjects - and a bank of symbols for different concepts. If you memorize an entire book of baby names, Spirit won’t have to work as hard to get you to hear names in a mediumistic context. If you familiarize yourself with symbols associated with different faiths, you’ll know what a turban with a miniature dagger in it symbolizes, and what it does not. If you read up on the history of fashion, you might have an easier time pin-pointing the era and culture a spirit is hailing from. 

…And if you familiarize yourself really thoroughly with geography and landmarks, well, Spirit won’t need to use your still-living buddy as a symbol for a city where a massacre is about to happen, scaring the crap out of you. 

…And you will no longer confuse Moscow and Hong Kong.


This is an excellent takeaway.

I’ve heard stories of developing mediums who get so upset about receiving communications on tragedies, that they just say “Nope!” and shut down, sometimes for years. This experience was emotionally challenging, but didn’t make me want to reject the communication. So, last night, I sat down, and said to my guides: “Thank you for sending me this information. I do want to continue to receive truthful communication even when it’s unpleasant. But let’s make a deal. I’ll read up on landmarks, geography, and a whole bunch of other stuff, and you will use that new symbolic vocabulary to fine-tune your transmissions, so this kind of confusion doesn’t happen again, OK? Please make sure I don’t get scared that my friend is in mortal danger, unless it’s true and there is something I can do to help, or you at least know that hearing about it will soften the emotional blow.”

Now, it’s up to me to hold up my end of the deal. I am confident that they will hold up theirs.

What areas of knowledge do you think might help you with your Spirit communications? Do you have areas of expertise on which you find you will more readily receive specific information? What symbol systems work best with your communications? Think about how you can expand and develop them!


*Name changed to protect privacy.
