A Personal Update and Some Messages of Encouragement from My Spirit Guides

Dear Readers,

Greetings from self-quarantine! How is everyone doing in the midst of this upheaval? (Let me know in the comments - especially if you would like me to include you and your loved ones in any healing meditations I do!)

As for me, it took me awhile to realize just how harshly the current crisis was about to disrupt all of our lives. I pushed the reports of the spread of the epidemic in Europe into the back of my mind for a long time. Then, on March 7th, I was having a chat with my spirit guides, when suddenly, out of the blue, Salvador said to me: “You’re going to need to take really good care of your health now. Use this temporary “vacation” from business as usual to work on your channeling. This is a chance for you to very consciously choose your body.”  The next day, all the milongas (Argentine tango gatherings) in New York City started to announce they were shutting down, and the pandemic started to hit close to home. (The Argentine tango scene in New York is the current center of my social and creative life, and also ties in closely with my day job.)

Now, I’ve been isolating myself for about ten days, so far. I live alone with my cat, and have only left the house to go shopping about three times, and taken a couple of runs in the park - doing my best to keep a safe distance from other pedestrians. I’ve done as much resting as I can, and paid close attention to my body’s well-being. I’ve also filled my time with creative work, recording a lot of music to make up for all the social dancing I’ve had to give up.

All in all, I feel very calm. I’m incredibly grateful that no signs of having contracted the virus have shown up for me, despite the hundreds of people with whom I have been in close contact through social dancing over the past months. Either the virus has a very long incubation period, my immune system as been able to fight it off, or by some fluke, I have not yet been exposed.

Before I go into my other thoughts, I think it's important that I tell you something Salvador has asked me to share with you, which I hope will help to assuage some of the fear out there. He first told me this around March 8th, and reiterated it two nights ago. Though I am by no means infallible - ever - I have a lot of trust in what he says. So, I am going to stick my neck out and go on the record saying this:

The worst aspect of the medical emergency in this pandemic will not last as long as some of us fear. It’s not a matter of waiting the necessary year and a half until we have a properly tested vaccine.* Salvador tells me there is an important medical breakthrough that is going to happen relatively soon, which will help us not only now, but in the future, especially in bringing the number of people hospitalized under control. I cannot say what the nature of this breakthrough will be, exactly, but it will be one of the best things to come out of this ordeal. From what I understand, it is something on which studies have already started. The reason I don’t think he is referring to a vaccine is that the time frame for its introduction seems much shorter.**

I can’t wait to see what it is!

What else?

I’ve been thinking a lot about how closely this global predicament ties in with some of the most important teachings my guides have been impressing upon me over the past year. Specifically, I have these three in mind:

1. Each one of our thoughts, words and actions is like a stone thrown into water, rippling out endlessly into the universe. We do not always know how what we do will affect ourselves or others down the line through the chain reactions we set off, but everything we do has the potential to change the world, because we are all interconnected. This concept has never been as  viscerally and practically tangible as it is right now. We are now all collectively responsible for being extremely mindful of how our conduct affects ourselves and others. Everything we do, everything we touch, the air we choose to breathe, everywhere we choose to go, how we use our time, everything we say - it all has the potential to either hurt or heal entire communities. It is literally a matter of life and death.

The spirit guide collective I channel directly, Ves, had the following to say about this. This text was channeled about a week ago:

“We are hoping you will take seriously the need to help others through helping yourself. You are all interconnected, and are now responsible for each other’s well-being more than ever. Try now to re-acquaint yourself with the level of responsibility you have taken for your own well-being, of late, and apply what you learn from examining that relationship to yourself, to others, not only in your immediate sphere, but on a global scale. This will be a mirror for every decision you have taken, up to this moment, that has had an impact on people beyond yourself. This is an opportunity for you to grow in your caring and your intellect, neither giving into complacency, nor falling into despair, but through compassion, becoming more aware of how every decision you make can affect those around you for better or worse. Be brave! We love you very much.”

2. Both individuals and humanity at large are manifestations of cumulative experience, or expressions of everything they carry with them from their history. Therefore, healing them requires a healing of everything they bring with them from the past. When has humanity last encountered such a dramatic opportunity be shaken out of its complacency, press the “pause” button, and really reckon with what we have collectively created? This crisis is going to be painful for many of us, personally, economically, and socially, but it is also an incredible opportunity to choose to move through this experience with love, and when the worst of it is over, to rebuild, transform, and recreate a new, better, more compassionate society.

3. Fear is not a thing.  It is an idea of a thing, until you treat it like a thing, and act like it is a thing. Then it becomes something, and that something might be different - and worse - than the original thing that sparked the fear. Do not confuse the fear of a thing with the thing itself. Fear is just an invitation one is never obligated to answer.

I know many of you are and will continue to be preoccupied with day-to-day survival, and are anxious for yourselves and your loved ones. However, I encourage everyone who is in a position to do so, to really think about what and how you would like to transform through this tearing down of the status quo. We have no choice but to change as a society - and hopefully, it will be for the better. The only thing that can defeat us when we have overcome this collective challenge is bitterness and cynicism. How is this crisis putting you in touch with your most fundamental values? What do you want to bring to the world when we are free again to embrace each other?

Do not give in to despair.

Do not fall into the collective panic.

We will get through this.

This will pass.

Stay creative! 

Stay loving.

Stay hopeful!

Stay connected to your loved ones, and the world!

Do not let physical isolation lead to emotional isolation.

How can you act with love and compassion towards yourself and others at this time?

How can you attend to parts of yourself that have been neglected? 

How can you heal yourself at this time?

How can you use this time to prepare for the future?

What are some tangible actions you can take to help us deal with this collectively? (I’m going to be sewing some masks for hospital personnel!)

The healing mantras I have been using to stay calm during quarantine are ones I have shared on other platforms, such as Instagram, before:




I hope these mantras will help some of my readers find a sense of groundedness and peace in the midst of this tumultuous time of transformation.

Again, let me know how you are doing, and if you would like to be included in any healing meditations. (I am booked for this week for professional readings, but will let everyone know when spots become available again.)

Much love,
Emily, Salvador and the Team

*Just so we are clear on where I stand: I may be a medium, but I am also the daughter of a scientist, and have great respect for the scientific process. Vaccines are some of the coolest inventions ever! They are an ingenious thing of beauty, and save millions of lives. I wholeheartedly support vaccination, and can’t wait until we have a vaccine for COVID-19! Please get all of your information on how to care for yourself, avoid exposure, effectively limit the spread of the epidemic and “flatten the curve” of infection from official sources such as the CDC!

** Update on May 14th, 2021: Well whaddya know? It was a vaccine! Fastest vaccine development ever - but built on decades of previous research.


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